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Pidilite Industries Ltd. - Techno Funda

Pidilite Industries Ltd., share market News

Recommendation Price Target Price Time Frame
Buy 590 650(SL-570) 1 Month
Stock Details History
Market Cap. (Cr.) 30916.13 A consumer and specialities chemical company Pidilite Industries Limited (Pidilite) was incorporated on 28th July 1969. Pidilite is the market leader in adhesives and sealants, construction chemicals, hobby colours and polymer emulsions in India. Its brand name Fevicol has become synonymous with adhesives to millions in India and is ranked amongst the most trusted brands in India. The Company's product range includes Adhesives and Sealants, Construction and Paint Chemicals, Automotive Chemicals, Art Materials, Industrial Adhesives, Industrial and Textile Resins and Organic Pigments and Preparations.     
Face Value 1
Equity (Cr.) 51.27
52 Wk high/low 637.55/286.40
BSE Code 500331
Book Value (Rs) 39.78
Industry Chemicals
    Key Highlights:
  • Pidilite Industries posted a 12% rise in consolidated topline to Rs 1202.19 crore in quarter ended December 2014 compared to corresponding previous year period with 130 bps increase in operating profit margins to 16.1% leading 22% increase in operating profit to Rs 193.41 crore. Bottomline of the company rose 28% to Rs 124.36 crore. 12% increase in net sales was led by 13% increase in Consumer and bazaar segment revenue and 5% increase in Industrial products segment.
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